Process Sulfur Analyzer
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Industrial Professional Engineering Services
The following are analyzers for measurement of sulfur in process applications
NOTE: Total Sulfur applies to all organically bound sulfur
Process Sulfur Analyzer
Model 9705/Model 9730 DC-UVF Total Sulfur Analyzer
Detection Technique:
DC-UVF (Dynamic Combustion) followed by UV
Fluorescence detection

Typical Applications:
Total Sulfur in Fuels (Diesel)

Sample State:
Gas, liquid, LPG
9700P Total Sulfur or Total Chlorides Analyzer
Detection Technique:
Dry Colorimetry (Tape)

Typical Applications:
Total Sulfur or Total Chlorides

Sample State:
Gas, liquid, LPG
Detection Technique:
Choice of FID, TCD, PID, SCD,  NCD, or PuVF
Combinations available

Typical Applications:
Total/species Sulfur
Total/species Nitrogen
10 ppb NO in light gases (ethylene plant cold-box)

Sample State:
Gas, liquid
2020PGC Process Gas Chromatograph